Entries by Simon Hicks

31st March 2022

This month marks the two-year anniversary of when we received our first entitlement request at GetFTR. At launch we had 5 publishers, 2 integrators, and 1 platform. Today, GetFTR is used by over 30 publishers and….

GetFTR invites Aggregators to join

“We are calling on Aggregators to engage with us and provide streamlined pathways to aggregated content via Discovery Services and other third-party tools that use GetFTR.” In our last Scholarly Kitchen post, Ralph Youngen and Todd Toler discussed how….

APA PsycInfo and R Discovery, CACTUS join GetFTR

Get Full Text Research (GetFTR) is pleased to welcome two new integrator partners, APA PsycInfo and R Discovery from CACTUS. The addition of these integrators marks an auspicious start to the year for GetFTR….

GetFTR: dataflows and user privacy

Data privacy is a topic that, rightly so, is top-of-mind for many researchers and organisations that are active in the space of scholarly communications. GetFTR is committed to safeguarding the privacy of its users, and we take this principle to heart….

Would you like to help shape the future of GetFTR?

Since launch, GetFTR has worked collaboratively with the community to help drive its development. We would like to call for your feedback once again to help determine our 2021 roadmap and beyond. Your feedback will help shape the….