Wiley improve their user experience with GetFTR

Wiley joins Elsevier as the second Publisher to integrate Wiley Online Library’s article references with GetFTR.

Researchers are often unaware, when reviewing the references in academic articles, which of the cited articles are available to them, either via their institution subscriptions or because content is freely available. This can lead to frustrating “click and pray” user journeys, hitting paywalls, or dead-ends.

Wiley has improved the research experience by using GetFTR indicators to alert researchers to references they are able to access.

The GetFTR indicators signal that researchers are one click away from viewing the reference*.

Marlo Harris, Senior Director, Digital Publishing Platforms at Wiley, said on the recent integration, “We wanted to provide researchers with the same GetFTR experience they enjoy from participating discovery services when accessing references from Wiley Online Library.

GetFTR links were fully integrated into article references earlier this year, we quickly found that, when full access is available, the vast majority of users are linking directly to the referenced article. We’re very happy with the support we received from the GetFTR team, and delighted to see that readers are using the GetFTR links”.

* In some cases, the user is taken to the institution sign-in screen before accessing content